Pilates videos

This is a small collection of our videos that we have created in our Studio

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Pilates in 2 Minutes

This 2 minute video gives you a good introduction to Pilates. You will see some of the Pilates exercises that we teach in our Studio (depending of course, on the level of the client). Joseph Pilates created more than 500 different exercises !

Teaser twist on the Wunda chair

The "Teaser Twist" is an exercise on the Wunda Chair to strengthen your back and your abdominal wall. It will also improve your alignment and balance.

The Scissors and Bicycle on the Spine Corrector

The Scissors and Bicycle on the Spine Corrector is a great exercise to strengthen your "powerhouse" (muscles of the lower back and abdominal wall).

Spread Eagle on the Cadillac

Spread Eagle is one of the exerises of the "traditional ending". Joseph Pilates taught this series to clients at an intermediate/advanced level as an ending of a session.

Swan on the Long Box

This exercise is a challenge your flexibility, alignment and control. It is the next step after you learn the Swan on the Ladder Barrel. The exercise will strengthen your back muscles and result in greater control of your abdominal wall.

Russian Split on the Reformer

The Russian Split is an advanced exercise on the Reformer and is usually executed at the end of the work-out. This exercise targets the 6 main principles of the Pilates Method: stabilization, control, concentration, flow & efficiency of movement, breath and precision.

Spine Corrector Teaser

The Teaser variation on the Spine Corrector is good for the abdominals !!